
Abstract This p a per presents a review of the chiral metamateri a ls (CMM) a nd their different specific properties like circul a r dichroism , negative refractive index , and giant optic a l activity. The physical properties of metamaterials circul a r dichroism a nd the method of retrieval of effective parameters of the CMM are discussed in detail. The various classes of the chiral metamaterial and their results of the simulation are presented. The study shows that the chiral met a m a terials have the ability to convert linearly pol a rized wave into the circul a rly polarized wave in microw a ve and optical frequency range. Figure of Merit of the chiral metam a terial is rel a tively low comp a red with ordin a ry metam a terials at given resonant frequencies which limit applicable frequency b a nd of neg a tive refr a ctive indices that c a n be subst a ntially improved using a substr a te with lower loss dielectric. The future of chiral metam a terial is a lso briefly discussed. Keywords: Circular dichroism, chir a l met a material, gi a nt optical activity, LCP, negative refractive index, RCP Cite this Article Manoj Kumar, Preet Kaur. A Review on Chiral Metamaterials and its Applications in Antennas . Journal of Microwave Engineering & Technologies . 2018; 5(2): 5–16p.

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