
Cosmeceuticals is a cosmetic product with bio active ingredient proposed to have medical or drug like ben-efits. Cosmeceuticals are safe for long term use and promotes beauty, health and wellness with natural in-gredients. We get lots of reference about cosmeceuticals mentioned in Ayurveda in the form of Rasayana, Varnya, Vrana ropana, Twachya, Sophahara, Keshya and Chakshushya. Changing lifestyles is invariably cause metabolic change that influence the functioning of eye are termed as Achakshushya in Ayurveda and leads to dry eyes, myopia, cataract, diabetic retinopathy etc like disorders. In alternative medicines there is no permanent cure or remedy for above disorders. Chakshushya drugs especially capable of acting in oph-thalmic tissues to bring the Doshas back to their normal path. Chakradutta explained Chakshushya Varga which contain drugs like Triphala, Gogrita, Yava, Madhu, Satavari, Mudga etc. and Padabhyanga like daily regimen too. By this we can understand that to have better healthy life and vision Swasthavritta Charya and intake of Chakshushya drugs are inevitable.

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