
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is the bus-based public transit system, which is designed to maximize the efficiency, capacity and reliability comparatively to the existing traditional bus system. Generally, this advantageous, cost-effective and convenient BRT comprises the designated laneways, priority-given intersections, off-board fare collection and more, which reduces the delay in travelling and increasing the capacity as well. In order to maintain the standard of the BRT, where to be distinguished from the conventional bus system, there are few BRT scoring systems available from the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) and Federal Transit Association (FTA). However, each scoring system has its pros and cons, which might not be suitable for the Malaysian practice. In addition, the scoring system is not very emphasizing on the BRT stations in regards with the locations, supporting infrastructures and more, which has the potential to affect the transit ridership. This paper reviews the existing BRT standards that have been utilized in assessing the existing BRTs all around the world. Moreover, this reviewing reflects the compliances or suitability of the available BRT standards to be used in assessing Malaysia BRTs. This method of reviewing provides more focused scoring guidelines which can complement the Malaysian practice in a more contextual manner. The identified gap in the existing BRT standards will be recommended with newly formulated guidelines that fit more into Malaysia context and encourage more inclusivity which promotes active transportation. Hence, the newly formulated BRT standard as per Malaysia context can enhance the existing design principles which can promote more ridership.


  • Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a modern urban public transportation with a constantly increasing worldwide significance due to its flexibility in implementing or constructing on designated area and its lower to medium fare costings

  • In BRT, busses are used as the main mode is transportation and the network is often built to offer the same level of service as to the rail systems in the world, but providing an amount of

  • The capital needed for rail systems is relatively higher than the BRTs lane, this is because rail systems need specific permanent tracks for operations dedicated bus lanes for BRTs can be designated on any suitable roadway or traffic, and expandable

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A Review on BRT Scoring System for Malaysia Practice

Cite This Paper in the following Citation Styles (a): [1] Hamsareka Thevadass, Goh Boon Hoe, Wong Kok Cheong, Teo Fang Yenn, Christina Chin May May, Yuen Choon Wah, Yap Eng Hwa , "A Review on BRT Scoring System for Malaysia Practice," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol 9, No 2, pp. (b): Hamsareka Thevadass, Goh Boon Hoe, Wong Kok Cheong, Teo Fang Yenn, Christina Chin May May, Yuen Choon Wah, Yap Eng Hwa (2021). A Review on BRT Scoring System for Malaysia Practice.

The BRT Scoring System
The ITDP BRT Standard
Dwell Time Time spent in the vehicle stopped at station
Transfer time
Demand Profiling
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