
The article makes an attempt to systematize and historiographic analysis of written and archaeologicalsources testifying to the history of the medieval settlements of Aspara and Sharuashylyk. In Asparа,excavations were carried out sporadically, in Sharuashylyk, excavations were not laid at all. Within theframework of the project “Late medieval urban culture of the Golden Horde. Searches and archaeologicalresearch on the example of the settlements of Sharuashylyk (Kinchat) and Aspary (XIII-XVI centuries)”isplanned to fill this gap. The choice of these two settlements is due to the location of Sharuashylyk in theupper reaches of the Talas, Aspara rivers in the middle reaches of the Chu river. In these areas, despitetheir inclusion in the Chagatai ulus, there are no serious studies of this period. According to well-knownwritten sources and archaeological data, the period of Aspara’s existence is determined from the 7thcentury. until the 19th century. No written evidence has been found about the existence of a settlementon the site of the Sharuashylyk settlement; according to archaeological observations, the late period ofthe object’s functioning is estimated as the first half of the 19th century.In the largest city of the Chu-Talas interfluve – Taraz, known in the Chagataid period as Yangi-Talas,the cultural layers of this time were seriously damaged and for the most part did not survive: the upperbuilding layers here (about 1.5 m) were cut off by a bulldozer during the preparation of the bazaar areato asphalt in 1960-1962 Therefore, in the Chu-Talas valley, Aspara is, in fact, the only settlement withthe presence of the Chagataid layer. Perhaps, the results of the studies of the city of Aspara can be, to a greater or lesser extent, extrapolated to the city of Sharuashylyk and will further contribute to a betterstudy of it.Key words: Aspara, Sharuashylyk, written and archaeological sources, medieval urban culture, historiography,Chagatai ulus.

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