
Exocrine and endocrine types of secretion were investigated in various cells by applying the protein A-gold immunocytochemical approach. Several proteins secreted by rat pancreatic and parotid acinar cells, mouse ameloblasts, rat pancreatic B cells and lymph-node plasma cells, and frog hepatocytes were studied using specific antibodies. While light microscope immunohistochemistry has allowed for good topographical identification of positive cells in tissues, the protein A-gold approach used at the electron microscope level has demonstrated the presence of specific antigenic sites in particular cellular compartments. All secretory proteins studied were detected in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, and the secretory granules of the corresponding secreting cells. In addition, some of the proteins were also found in lysosome-like structures. When good ultrastructural preservation of the cellular organelles was achieved, the labeling was revealed with very high resolution and precise localization. In such cases, we found labeling over transitional elements of the endoplasmic reticulum and in smooth vesicles in the Golgi area. The Golgi apparatus was subdivided into three compartments according to differences in labeling: the cisternae on the cisside, those of the trans-side and the trans-most rigid one. Quantitative evaluations of the intensities of labeling have allowed for 1) demonstration of the high specificity of the different labelings; 2) revelation of the existence of a gradient of increasing intensity that follows precisely the progress of the proteins along their secretory pathway; and 3) identification of intracellular sites where increments of protein antigenicity occur. Furthermore, they have revealed the existence of alterations in protein processing that occurred under experimental and pathological conditions. Double-labeling approaches were performed to demonstrate two different antigenic sites on the same tissue section by applying protein A-gold complexes formed by gold particles of different sizes. Protein A-gold immunocytochemistry has also been combined with cytochemical and radioautographic techniques. This review thus demonstrates that high-resolution quantitative immunocytochemistry can contribute significantly to the investigation of the intracellular processing of secretory proteins. It also illustrates the potential and versatility of the protein A-gold technique, which in combination with other procedures constitutes a powerful method in cell biology.

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