
Alexandrium minutum is a globally distributed harmful algal bloom species with many strains that areknown to produce paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) and consequently represent a concern to human andecosystem health. This review highlightsthat A.minutum typically occurs in sheltered locations, with cell growth occurring during periods of stable water conditions. Sediment characteristics are important in the persistence of this species within a location, with fine sediments providing cyst deposits for ongoing inoculation to the water column. Toxic strains of A.minutum do not produce a consistent toxin profile, different populations produce a range of PSTs in differing quantities. Novel cluster analysis of published A.minutum toxin profiles indicates five PST profile clusters globally. Some clusters are grouped geographically (Northern Europe) while others are widely spread. Isolates from Taiwan have arange of toxin profile clusters and this area appears to have the most diverse set of PST producing A.minutum populations. These toxin profiles indicate that within the United Kingdom there are two populations of A.minutum grouping with strains from Northern France and Southern Ireland. There is a degree of interconnectivity in this region due tooceanic circulation and a high level of shipping andrecreational boating. Further research into theinterrelationships between the A.minutum populations in this global region would be of value.

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