
la. Head without crests. 2a. Vomerine teeth well developed. 3a. No palatine teeth. 4a. Innermost ray of V not more than 40 per cent of the longest ray. Lateral line incomplete, running above the middle of sides. Cottus poecilopus 4b. Innermost ray of V more than 40 per cent of the longest ray. Lateral line complete, running along the middle of body..C. amblystomopsis. 3b. Palatine bones each with a conspicuous band of teeth........ C. czerskii. 2b. Teeth on vomer feeble or wholly absent C. kaganowskii. lb. Head with crests. 3c. No palatine teeth ......Mesocottus haitej. 3d. Palatine teeth present Trachidermus fasciatus.

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