
In India, in the last year alone, over 30 people have died due to child kidnapping rumors spread on social media, specifically WhatsApp. India’s access to the internet shot up in the recent years with the entry of Reliance Jio which made data plans affordable and therefore accessible. WhatsApp has been the most frequently downloaded application. As the country gears up for an important election, the spread of disinformation has accelerated. The right-wing ruling party has claimed that it has over 3 million people in its WhatsApp groups. A recent study by BBC has shown that in the country, most of the disinformation has been spread by the right wing. Call it propaganda, disinformation or plain fake news, false or wrong information has become a part of the political process in India. Moreover, the Indian media no longer seem to be standing up to the government; in the last few years, it has generally toed the government line. The reasons are many, including corporate ownership, regressive laws, and a complete bypass of the media by the powers. The Prime Minister has spoken only to a few selected media houses and has never been asked any tough questions in his five-year tenure. Furthermore, the media has been completely sidelined by this government by it going to the public, directly through social media. All of this has produced a very turgid and messy information situation. With the government also interfering in education, it has become all the more difficult for most educators to introduce critical thinking courses in the country, even though various efforts have been made by Google News Initiative, Facebook and BBC Schools to introduce tools to debunk false information.


  • India has just received the dubious honor of using the most data (Special Correspondent, 2019) per smartphone, at 9.8 GB

  • Dubious because over the last year, over 30 people have died (Saldhana, Rajput, Hazare, 2018) due to child kidnapping rumors spread on social media, WhatsApp

  • In terms of the number of active users each month, WhatsApp emerged as the leader (Mitter, 2019)

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India has just received the dubious honor of using the most data (Special Correspondent, 2019) per smartphone, at 9.8 GB. According to publicized information (Iqbal, 2019), India is the biggest WhatsApp market in the word with over 200 million users. Memes, cartoons and photographs (edited or otherwise), and short video clips become the most popular means of communicating on line, especially on WhatsApp. In the recent general elections, won clearly by the right wing ruling party, BJP, WhatsApp was the main source of information (or misinformation or disinformation) for most voters. The mainstream media do not deal with political misinformation.

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