
Hair pigmentation is regulated by follicular melanogenesis, in which the process consists of melanin formation and transfer to keratinocytes in the hair shaft. Human hair follicles contain two types of melanin: the brown-black eumelanin and yellow-red pheomelanin. Eumelanin is commonly present in black and brown hair while pheomelanin is found in auburn and blonde hair. Hair follicle melanogenesis is under cyclical control and is concurrently coupled to hair growth. Many factors including intrinsic and extrinsic factors affect the follicular melanogenesis. Though many studies have been conducted to identify the pathogenesis and regulation of hair pigmentation, the etiology of canities and hair pigmentation is still unclear. The pathogenesis of canities or gray hair is believed to occur either from insufficient melanin formation due to melanocyte degeneration or a defect in melanosomal transfer. Canities is an aging sign which often interferes with one's socio-cultural adjustment. On the other hand, premature canities correlate with diseases such as osteopenia and cardiovascular disease. Risk factors associated with canities are not only genetic but also external causes. For example, smoking, alcohol consumption, and stress are among the most common factors. Camouflage techniques are still used as the primary treatment of canities. Further treatments for canities are being developed to achieve the true reversal of hair pigmentation.

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