
With the aid of advanced technology and the popularity of electronic devices, more and more English learners use automated writing evaluation (AWE) tools as an aid in their English writing. AWE tools score written works and analyze them, which provide immediate feedback and personal suggestions on how to correct errors in terms of grammar, punctuation, and other aspects. Using AWE tools for scoring papers offer privacy and convenience for students, and teachers in high schools and universities widely use these AWE tools to assist their courses. Therefore, a lot of research based on the usage, effects, and advantages of AWE tools is done. This paper critically reviews 20 papers related to AWE tools in three different aspectsstudents test performance, learners revision, and their writing self-efficacy. These papers include a comparison of students test results (both before and after using AWE tools), interviews about students opinions on AWE tools, and an analysis of how AWE tools help English learners enhance their writing ability. The authors believe that great benefits from different aspects of improving students overall writing skills are shown when using AWE tools. However, the degree of influence varies in students English proficiency.

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