
Municipal solid waste (MSW) management is a major environmental problems in growing city townships of South Africa. Improper management of this waste causes hazards to inhabitants. Various studies reveal that about 90% of MSW is disposed of in open dumps and landfills. Township communities lack access to basic services such as sewage and refuse removal and running water all of which are common problems in growing townships in South African cities. Considering the population and the limited undeveloped land available, the disposal of MSW is a major environmental problem in growing townships creating problems to public health and the environment. In the present study, an attempt has been made to provide a comprehensive review of the management, environmental impact of waste disposal, properties and treatment. The study pertaining to current waste management practices for Johannesburg City’s Townships has been carried out to evaluate the current status and identify the major problems. The study is concluded with a few fruitful suggestions, which may be beneficial to encourage the competent authorities/project developers to work towards further improvement of the present system and expand on it.

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