
Eucalypt is the vernacular name used to refer to trees of the three genera, <i>Angophora </i>Cav.<i>, Corymbia</i> K. D. Hill & L.A.S. Johnson and <i>Eucalyptus</i> L’Herit. These closely related genera are within the Myrtaceae family and include around 1000 taxa in total, nearly all of which are indigenous to Australia. In China, over 5 million ha of industrial plantations have been established with selected eucalypt taxa. However, there are no plantations in this country managed specifically for the purpose of eucalypt leaf oil production. Even so, for many years China has been the world’s largest producer of crude eucalypt oil distilled from eucalypt leaves. These leaves are mainly collected from community plantings, mostly of <i>E. globulus</i> and <i>E. smithii</i>. A project was carried out on species selection for leaf oil production in late 1990’s in southwestern China, and included testing of the species <i>E. radiata, E. bakeri, E. polybractea</i> and others. Eucalypt oils are used as raw materials in perfumery, cosmetics, food and beverage industries as well as in various aromatherapy and physiotherapy treatments. The 1,8-cineole (eucalyptol) compound is the principal and the most important constituent of the most eucalypt leaf oils, and this has demonstrated antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activities. Such uses of eucalypt essential oils for human health as well as for environment improvement have been well established by scientific research in many countries, with such oils having a long history of medicinal use in Australia and Europe. Even so, there is a need to investigate the prime effects of such essential oils and their possible efficacy in the treatment of a greater number of pathological conditions in China. It is also advocated that the country’s existing eucalypt plantations be more widely used as places for ‘forest bathing’ and such nature-based well-being practices; and that investigations be taken into the use of eucalypt leaf oils to improve hygiene and fight diseases, such as that caused by the virus.

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