
Copper and cobalt (Cu–Co) are strategic metals for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and nearly 20% of the country's GDP is supported by their exports. At present, the country classifies itself as the leading copper producer in Africa with an output in the region of a million tonnes and possesses nearly 60% of the world's reserves of Co; a metal exclusively exported in the form of salts or semi-finished products. Concentrators play a very important role in the growth of Cu–Co metal production, which is needed in order to meet rapidly growing global demand and to increase government revenues through mining royalties. This article reviews the major process flow sheets and reagent suites in practice at concentrators operated in the DRC for the beneficiation of Cu–Co values from various ore types. The comprehensive compilation of pertinent laboratory and industrial data is intended to provide practising specialists, metallurgists, and academics conducting research on Congolese Cu–Co ores with a single well-detailed reference source. Emphasis is placed on froth flotation as the major technique for the beneficiation of Cu–Co minerals.

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