
The Doublebar Seabream, Acanthopagrus bifasciatus (Forsskål 1775) with two conspicuous vertical black bars across the head has long been recognized as a distinctive species from the Red Sea and Western Indian Ocean. Two distinct colour patterns are associated with two allopatric populations except southern Oman and Somalia which appears to be a zone of overlap: a northern population (Red Sea, through Persian Gulf, to Pakistan) with dorsal and caudal fins immaculate yellow; and a southern population (east coast of Africa from the Horn of Africa to South Africa, Madagascar, and Mascarene Islands) having the dorsal fin with a wide black margin and caudal fin rear margin with a narrow black edge (and both black margins disappearing with growth in specimens over 30 cm SL). Both populations resulted in the two valid species: A. bifasciatus for the northern population and A. catenula (Lacepède 1801) for the southern population. Nominal species (junior synonyms) of the two species are discussed.

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