
ABSTRACT A total of 103 vials of acanthocephalans held in the Australian Helminth Collection of the South Australian Museum whose contents derive from 456 Australian bandicoots (Peramelidae) were examined. The number of individuals of each bandicoot species that had been examined for helminths was determined from the SAM AHC database. None of three individuals of Isoodon auratus were infected. One of 63 individuals of I. fusciventer, 23 of 127 I. macrourus, 35 of 92 I. obesulus, none of 15 Perameles bougainville, 34 of 83 P. gunnii, one of 54 P. nasuta and none of 19 P. pallescens were infected. Nine bandicoots identified only as Peramelinae were also infected. Australiformis semoni (Linstow, 1898) occurred in 78 bandicoots, Plagiorhynchus (Prosthorhynchus) cylindraceus (Goeze, 1782) in 15 bandicoots and one animal, P. gunnii, harboured both species of acanthocephalan. Australiformis semoni normally occurs in bandicoots with occasional infections reported from the brush tailed phascogale Phascogale tapoatafa (Dasyuridae) and the long nosed potoroo Potorous tridactylus (Potoroidae). Plagiorhynchus (P.) cylindraceus is usually found in passerine birds and is also an occasional parasite of bandicoots. Host diet and feeding behaviour are likely determinants of which bandicoot species harbour infection.

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