
Headmasters rightly expect the impossible of their religious education staff. It is usually hoped they will be able to echo the words of Wotan to Fricke. ‘You only know about what you are familiar with, My gaze is drawn to something the like of which is yet to come.’ Yet the religious education staff can often feel that their subject is a bit like a dud photograph — over‐exposed and under‐developed. One way of refreshing vision is to look through some of the research of the last few years, which is now more accessible than it used to be. This article reviews some of the recent unpublished research studies in religious and moral education from the USA and the United Kingdom. It is largely concerned with doctoral theses and continues previous similar reviews. 1 1 Webster, D. H., American Research in Religious Education: A Review of Selected Doctoral Theses, Learning for Living, May, 1975. Vol. 14, No. 5. Webster, D. H., American Research in Moral/Values Education: A Review Of Selected Doctoral Theses, Learn...

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