
This paper reviews research on the emission characteristics of blended ethanol and other fuels. With the rapid development of modern industry, the extensive use of fuel engines has led to increasingly prominent contradictions between energy and the environment. In order to respond to sustainable development and reduce engine emissions in various countries, many scientific research institutions have conducted research on mixed fuels. The research of blended fuel mainly focuses on its sustainability, economy and environmental protection. Compared with gasoline engines, diesel engines have a lower fuel consumption rate and are widely used in heavy industry. But its fuel comes from refining crude oil, which is non-renewable and has poor cleanliness. As an emerging renewable fuel, ethanol is a fuel with good development prospects due to its good cleanliness, wide range of sources and renewable. If ethanol can be used as an alternative fuel for traditional internal combustion engines and diesel engines, it can save some traditional fuels and improve the emission problems of internal combustion engines to a certain extent. This paper introduces the research status of ethanol blended fuels, and the emission characteristics of engines (NOx, HC and CO) under different ethanol ratios and different operating conditions. It can be seen that with the increase of ethanol blending ratio, NOx content will increase, while CO and HC emissions will decrease.

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