
Ultrastructural studies are described that have identified in the basilar pontine nuclei (BPN), the synaptic boutons formed by the corticopontine, cerebellopontine, tectopontine, and dorsal column nuclei-pontine afferent projection systems. In addition, immunocytochemical studies visualized neuronal somata, dendrites, and synaptic boutons that contain immunoreactivity for GABA or the synthesizing enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). Based upon differences in the mode of degeneration and postsynaptic locus of degenerative synaptic boutons in the BPN, it is suggested that two types of cortical neurons and three classes of deep cerebellar nuclear cells project to the BPN. For similar reasons, it appears that two types of neurons in the dorsal column nuclei project to the BPN while only one type of afferent synaptic bouton takes origin from the superior colliculus. Furthermore it appears that the population of BPN neurons projecting to the paramedian lobule receives convergent inputs from the cutaneous periphery and the corresponding region of sensorimotor cortex. Studies employing GAD immunohistochemistry indicate that GABA-ergic neurons and axon terminals are present in the BPN and thus support the suggestion that a local inhibitory interneuron is present within the BPN. Taken together these observations suggest that basilar pontine neurons might play a more active role in the integration of various types of information destined for the cerebellar cortex than has previously been recognized.

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