
Infrastructure development promotes human capital development. Access to quality education and health care are some of the incentives of Infrastructure development. The development of power infrastructure in Brazil and India has greatly facilitated it gross domestic product (GDP) and social-economic development. This study assesses the approach of development of power infrastructure in Brazil and India as a prerequisite for other emerging nationʼs economy to follow. A confirmatory literature involving power infrastructure development in India and Brazil was explored for the purpose of this study. The paper highlights the challenges, policies effects, legislations effects, ways to finance, philosophical approach and the economic benefits involves in power infrastructure development in Brazil and India. Power infrastructure will strive when the challenges involves in its development is addressed. The adoption of this approach of implementing the developmental challenges, better policies, innovative financing scheme and effective legislations that has aided the development of power infrastructure development and should be replicated in emerging nations i.e. sub-Sahara Africa (SSA). In addition, direct implementation of this approach will bring forth the benefits of infrastructure development. This will contribute to the knowledge of power infrastructure development in emerging nations across the globe.


  • For the past twenty years Brazil’s growth has exceeded other nations in the world, these gave them the opportunity to host the FIFA World Cup in 2014 and Olympics in 2016, and has the opportunity to be among the G5 economy in the world, but these have since declined due to bad policies and inconsistency (8 and 9). (10 and 11) stated that due to the unfavorable economic policies and lack of preparedness to drought faced by hydroelectric facilities, which is the provider of about 71.58% of electricity in 2011, which declined to 61.96% due to drought as represented in fig.[1] the map of Brazil

  • This problem faced by the Brazil power sector has opened the door to other means of generating electricity, to meet the need of the growing population; these other sources are thermal power facilities which amount to 25.65% for 2011, this makes Brazil 100% sufficient in terms of power infrastructure development, and later the thermal power facilities increased to 26.83% (10)

  • India is known to be the fifth biggest wind farm turbines around the world, with total installations of 16GW by 2011. This ambition of the India government is been put to the test due to the finances needed in the actualization of such giant stride, this is because the government alone cannot on its own undertake such projects, so there is need for private investment in the power infrastructure development sector to actualize this objective in India (29)

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Challenges and Policies Affecting Power Infrastructure in Brazil

Brazil with India, China, and Russia is the world top four emerging nations in terms of infrastructure development and an increase in GDP, these makes Brazil one of the best places for economic growth, due to the excessive increase in the power infrastructure facilities (8). (10 and 11) stated that due to the unfavorable economic policies and lack of preparedness to drought faced by hydroelectric facilities, which is the provider of about 71.58% of electricity in 2011, which declined to 61.96% due to drought as represented in fig.[1] the map of Brazil This problem faced by the Brazil power sector has opened the door to other means of generating electricity, to meet the need of the growing population; these other sources are thermal power facilities which amount to 25.65% for 2011, this makes Brazil 100% sufficient in terms of power infrastructure development, and later the thermal power facilities increased to 26.83% (10). Brazil has the potential to produce about 260GW of electricity from all the sources of generating electricity in Brazil which includes; hydroelectric power facilities, which is the major provider of electricity in Brazil, thermal power plant which produces most of the energy capacity after hydroelectric facilities and wind farm which supplement the other sources of electricity to meet 100% sufficiency (10)

Present and Future Policies Situation
Ways of Financing Power Infrastructure in Brazil
India and the State of Power Infrastructure Development
Past and Present Situations of India power development
Financing Power Infrastructure Facilities in India
India Electricity Policies effects
Time of revenue support
Risk perceptions
Challenges of Power Development in India
Economic Benefits of Power Development in India
Research Methodology
Discussions of Findings from Literature
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