
The objective of this review article is to provide orthopaedic surgeons and general practitioners a reference and guidance for the evaluation and workup of heel pain in pediatric patients. The authors performed a comprehensive literature search to review the etiologies and management of heel pain in patients <18 years of age. Relevant studies in Medline/PubMed and EMBASE were searched from inception to March 3, 2022 using medical subject headings and text words without limitations on language or study type. The initial search utilized the following Boolean operators: (children) AND (heel pain); (pediatric) AND (heel pain). Heel pain in the pediatric population is usually a benign condition. Sever's apophysitis is the most common etiology of heel pain in pediatric patients.Most causes of heel pain in the pediatric population do not require imaging or extensive workup. However, providers must maintain a high index of suspicion for symptoms that could indicate a more severe pathology.

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