
Four species of otters have been recorded from Malaysia and Singapore in the past: Lutra lutra (Common or Eurasian Otter), Lutra sumatrana (Hairy-nosed Otter), Lutrogale perspicillata (Smooth Otter) and Amblonyx cinereus (Oriental Small-clawed Otter). All four are listed in the Threatened Species Categories of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals: L. lutra is designated ‘Vulnerable’ and the status of the other three Asian species are ‘Insufficiently Known’ due to lack of information. From a review of the available literature and collation of museum records from Malaysia and Singapore, the past status of the four species are examined. Presently, only L. perspicillata and A. cinereus are common in Peninsular Malaysia where they are widely distributed, but both are rare in Singapore. L. sumatrana is rare but apparently still found in East Malaysia. It is possible that L. lutra did not range in Malaysia this century. Information about the habitat types, group size, range, diet and behaviour for all the species is poorly known. The available information allows a discussion of the Smooth and Small-clawed Otters only. This dearth of knowledge has hampered maintenance and breeding efforts of zoos and conservation activity.

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