
Monkeypox is an Orthopoxvirus whose outbreak has been noted in various parts of the world in 2022. A significant outbreak has not yet occurred in India and various other developing countries. With this review, our aim is to create awareness among the health-care personnel including paramedical staff regarding epidemiology and diagnostic and infrastructure challenges. The predominant manifestation of this illness is cutaneous; however, morbidity and mortality can occur due to multiorgan involvement which is often overlooked. We have touched upon the differential diagnosis, treatment, and prevention with immunization. Recommendations have also been made from our side with respect to training of nonmedical workers in case of an outbreak in making provisional diagnosis on field, workup, and monitoring of confirmed cases at residence and in a health-care setting. This could be of great benefit in making early diagnosis, taking contact precautions, appropriate referrals, and judicious use of resources.

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