
Building muscle at a rate faster than the human body would under normal circumstances is of great importance in skills and activities that require intense muscular effort. Although physical training stands as the backbone of muscle building, physiological variations make it an unfair yardstick in measuring individual efforts. Other methods of muscle building such as specialized nutrition and the use of digestive enzymes in breaking down proteins for quick absorption are also commonly used together with physical training. The use of anabolic substances however, has proved more successful than any of the aforementioned methods. Nevertheless, with it come ethical, legal and clinical issues especially in sports. In spite of this, athletes still find ways of circumventing test protocols which has been a major issue for the World Anti-Doping Agency .However, advancements in science have opened the doorway for anabolic enzymes which are the ultimate muscle growers to be more or less, directly manipulated. One method is gene doping which involves altering gene expressions. The future of muscle building lies on man’s ability to decisively alter the functioning of these enzymes directly.

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