
Laboratory assessments of the rate of degradation of organic compounds in groundwater have been criticized for producing unrepresentative results. The potential for organic compounds to be transformed in groundwater has been measured using in situ methods, which avoid problems of attempting to duplicate aquifer conditions in the laboratory. In situ assessments of transformation rates have been accomplished using transport studies and in situ microcosms (ISMs); a review of these methods is given here. In transport studies, organic solutes are injected into an aquifer and the concentrations are monitored as they are transported downgradient. The change in mass of a solute is determined by the area contained under the breakthrough curve (plot of concentration versus time). ISMs isolate a portion of the aquifer from advective flow and act as in situ batch reactors. Experiments using ISMs involve removing water from the ISM, amending it with the solutes of interest, re-injecting the amended water, and monitoring the solute concentrations with time. In both transport and ISM studies, the loss of organic solutes from solution does not allow a distinction to be made between sorptive, abiotic and biotic transformation losses. Biological activity can be chemically suppressed in ISMs and the results from those experiments used to indicate sorption and abiotic loss. Transformation products may be monitored to provide additional information on transformation mechanisms and rates.

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