
The increasing exploitation of Atlantic salmon as a food source and sport fish demands a better understanding of salmon genetics and the dynamics of Atlantic salmon populations. Surveys of salmon populations for protein electrophoretic variation reveal that the average heterozygosity in Salmo salar is low and that four gene loci account for more than 95% of the total electrophoretically detectable variation. Populations that have been studied by this means fall into one of three groups: Western Atlantic, Eastern Atlantic or Baltic. However, biochemical genetics involving starch gel electrophoresis cannot be used routinely to identify the continent of origin of an Atlantic salmon, let alone its native river. The mitochondrial genome can be used to identify North American or European salmon with the aid of restriction endonucleases that have six base pair recognition sites. Restriction endonucleases that recognize four base pairs appear to be able to identify salmon from a particular river system. There has been a move from protein variation to mitochondrial DNA variation and this will inevitably lead to more extensive studies on the nuclear genome. Chromosomal studies suggest differences between salmon from Europe and North America but these have been hampered by lack of good banding procedures. Preliminary studies using cloned segments of salmonid genomes suggest that repeated sequences such as the genes for ribosomal RNA will be most useful for identifying specific stocks of Atlantic salmon. The need for continued genetic studies on the Atlantic salmon and the relevance and importance of the results of this research for stock identification, enhancement programmes, aquaculture and basic science are discussed.

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