
Abstract: Although fly ash as a partial replacement for cement has been utilized for many years, it has been almost exclusively used in low-volume percentages, such as 10 or 20% cement replacement. In this study partial replacement of Natural sand with Crushed stone waste for M 15 grade of concrete. The compressive strength of concrete of OPC concrete and with natural sand and Crushed stone waste is compared and it has been found that the strength of concrete got increased. Work may be extended with use of stone waste from different crushing plant. Different zones of stone waste can be formed from the result which will give better understanding of type of stone waste that can be replaced for each zone. Thus it can be concluded that use of stone dust can be effectively done for partial replacement of natural sand and better concrete can be achieved for structural use. Optimum replacement value is about 30 to 40 percent. Thus its use will also ensure less cost and use of waste material causing less environmental pollution.

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