
Detached divertor plasmas feature strong radial and parallel gradients of density, temperature, electric fields and flow over the divertor volume and therefore, sampling the divertor plasma directly provides crucial knowledge to the interpretation and modeling efforts. We review the contribution of diagnostics that directly sample the plasma to the advancement of knowledge of the physics of detachment and detached divertors, such as the characteristics of the various regimes, discovery and quantification of drifts and identification of convection of heat and particles. We focus on wall probes, scanning probes, retarding field analyzers and Thomson scattering in the divertor region and also include the contribution of measurements away from the divertor that provide insight on how divertor detachment affects core, edge or pedestal conditions. Wall probes are critical as they can be installed in closed volumes of difficult access to other diagnostics and measure plasma parameters at the divertor structures, which define the plasma boundary conditions and where detachment effects are more likely to be strongest.

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