
We review a widespread project database for Devonian–Carboniferous magmatism in the Sierras Pampeanas and Frontal Cordillera between 27° and 35°S, including petrological, geochemical, geochronological, and isotope data, with compiled data from the literature and some new results. We distinguish four main magmatic domains: 1) Devonian Arc, 2) Devonian Foreland, 3) Carboniferous Arc, and 4) Carboniferous Retro-Arc. Devonian segmented subduction led to two oceanic slab configurations: 1) flat-slab subduction in the outboard region and resubduction >800 km inland from the trench, including lithosphere delamination of the upper plate and break-off of the subducted oceanic slab, along with asthenospheric mantle upwelling (31°–33° 30′S), and 2) normal subduction (34° - 35°S). In the first configuration the arc magmatism was absent, but voluminous foreland magmatism was developed, including small-scale high silica adakite. The second geodynamic setting took place during the latest Devonian and Carboniferous when the oceanic slab roll-back occurred. Arc and retro-arc magmatism were developed coetaneously between 27° and 31°S, with northwest migration that could be explained by movement relative to hot asthenospheric mantle. The arc is represented by calc-alkaline granitoids, whereas retro-arc magmatism consisted of (a) metaluminous to weakly peraluminous A-type granites, and (b) strongly peraluminous A-type granites, these latter with sometimes incomplete isotopic homogenization of the parental magma. Devonian–Carboniferous magmatic evolution here is explained by segmented tectonic subduction and a switch-off and switch-on geodynamic model. Magmatic activity was mainly continuous from ca. 390 to 320 Ma, although compositional variations occurred through time and space (foreland, arc, and retro-arc). Major involvement of mantle sources in the genesis of the Carboniferous arc granites at 28°–30°S contrast with a dominant continental signature in the granites of the Devonian arc at 34°–35°S. These differences are explained by two different configurations in the subduction system related to advance (28°–30°S) or retreat (34°–35°S) of the subducted ocean slab. The main conclusion of this work is that the complex interaction of oceanic and continental plates can produce different types of magmatism (or its absence): subduction processes do not consist only of an oceanic plate sinking under a continental plate.

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