
Breast cancer is the second most common cancer worldwide is the most common cancer among women. And it is the leading cause of Oncer mortality, and one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in women worldwide [1, 2].Fifty years ago cancer of the cervix and child bearing complications were the leading health care problems of wom en Breast cancer is a multifactorial disease and various factors contribute to its currence.15! Hreast cancer occurs all over the world, its incidence, mortality, and survival rates vary considerably among different parts of the world, which could be due to many factors such as population structure, Mestyle, as well as both genetic and environmental factors.co The main risk factors are ape, low parity, and a low rate of breastfeeding. This is why it is common in high resource nations, however it is increasing in almost all countries. [4] Changes in risk factors have led to an increase in the prevalence of breast cancer.[7] The world population continues to rise and the life expectancy for women has reached 80-plus year in most nations, especially western.The single most important demographic factor determinine future health care burdens will be age. One oncolog cal disease certain to increase in all nations is breast cancer.Breast cancer is an individual tragedy for those affected. It is a highly curable disease when detected early, and an inevitably fatal disease when discovered too late. Access to high-quality care leading to early diagnosis and proper surgical and medical treatment can mean the difference between lide and death. 17 Breast cancer is a major health care burden. Screening programs are costly and difficult to organise, involving major lopatie and quality control issues.Proper surgical treatment requires appropriate operating roor facilities and highly qualified healthcare providers Local radiation requires facilities beyond the scope of most health care systems in low income countries. Adequate systemic treatment with chemotherapy and hormonal therapy is costly both in itself, as well as in mangement of their potentially severe adverse effects. All sophisticated breast cancer treatment requires the resour es of advanced pathological laboratory investigation including immunohistochemistry and molecular pathology analysis.New targeted therapis remain an evolving field where only one thing is certain, individual treatment costs are already threatening the best founded healthcare system. Breast cancer is a challenge for all countries. Organizing and centraling breast cancer care around integrated breast Cancer Centers can potentially provide optimal care to individual patients within different health care sy tems the reverse wil strain healthcare systems.

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