
The world is suffering from chronic water shortage due to the increasing population, water pollution and industrialization. Desalinating saline water offers a rational choice to produce fresh water thus resolving the crisis. Among various kinds of desalination technologies, capacitive deionization (CDI) is of significant potential owing to the facile process, low energy consumption, mild working conditions, easy regeneration, low cost and the absence of secondary pollution. The electrode material is an essential component for desalination performance. The most used electrode material is carbon-based material, which suffers from low desalination capacity (under 15 mg·g−1). However, the desalination of saline water with the CDI method is usually the charging process of a battery or supercapacitor. The electrochemical capacity of battery electrode material is relatively high because of the larger scale of charge transfer due to the redox reaction, thus leading to a larger desalination capacity in the CDI system. A variety of battery materials have been developed due to the urgent demand for energy storage, which increases the choices of CDI electrode materials largely. Sodium-ion battery materials, lithium-ion battery materials, chloride-ion battery materials, conducting polymers, radical polymers, and flow battery electrode materials have appeared in the literature of CDI research, many of which enhanced the deionization performances of CDI, revealing a bright future of integrating battery materials with CDI technology.


  • With the rapid population growth and industrialization, water pollution and over consumption of energy, the water shortage is becoming a more and more serious problem [1,2,3,4,5]

  • The redox reactions should occur within the water voltage window to prevent water from splitting, and the ions in the water might be hydrated leading to larger sizes, which reveal a more rigorous requirement of the structure of battery materials to avoid the collapse of the conformation during charge and discharge processes

  • The distance between theform electrodes was rapidly was synthesized a solution/precipitation reaction while thethus sodium-deficient prepared were released andbyabsorbed by the corresponding electrode, forming the dilutedwas solution and reduced, which was beneficial for good desalination performance

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A Review of Battery Materials as CDI Electrodes for Desalination

Chinese National Engineering Center for Control and Treatment of Heavy Metals Pollution, Changsha 410083, China.

Sodium Transition-Metal Oxide and Transition-Metal Oxide
Sodium Manganese Oxide and Manganese Oxide
Sodium Cobalt Oxide and Cobalt Oxide
Sodium Titanium Oxide and Titanium Oxide
Tin Oxide
Zinc Oxide
Iron Oxide
Binary Transition Metal Oxide
NASICON Material
Na2 FeP2 O7
Prussian Blue Analogue
Iron Phosphate
Molybdenum Disulfide
Ammonium Vanadate
Li-Ion Battery Materials
Lithium Titanium Oxide
Cl-Ion Battery Materials
Bi-Based Material
The of desalination energy was was low equilibrium voltage was
Ag-Based Material
Conducting Polymers
Radical Polymers
Flow Battery Electrode Materials
10. Regeneration
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