
Background: Acharya Sushruta has explained 37 Gana and each Gana has multiple indications. The nomenclature of Gana is given by the first drug in that particular Gana in Vidarigandhadi Gana. Vidarigandha is the first drug mentioned in this Gana. Each Gana is followed by its potential action on Dosha, Dhatu, Mala and clinical indication. Bala refers to the physical strength generally and any medicine that increases it is known as Balya. Folk medicine comprises of traditional healing believes and medicines used in past and contemporary cultures mostly by people who are not license medical practitioner. Folk medicine is a system based on traditional modes. Aim and Objectives: This paper trying to elaborate, evaluate and discuss the medicinal property, Balya effect of Vidarikanda. Material and Methods: The text book of Ayurveda, its commentaries and text book of modern medicine along with various clinical studies published in index journal have been review thoroughly. Discussion: Vidarikanda is very important drug, which is described from ancient time. Acharyas already know the importance of Vidarikanda in the therapeutic (Balya) management. It is indicated in Shosha, Gulma, Angamarda, Kasa, Shwasa and having Vata-Pittanashak property. Conclusion: Vidarikanda has Madhur Rasa, Shita Veerya and Guru, Snigdh Guna and it pacify Vata, Pitta and Rakta dosha and having Brihmani, Vrashya, Jivaniya, Rasayan, Stanya, Shukral, Balya property mentioned in Ayurvedic text.

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