
The Ascodipterinae of the Oriental and Australasian regions are reviewed. Three new species, each known only from dealate females, are described: 1) Ascodipteron egeri sp. nov. from Malaysia, ex. Megaderma spasma (Linnaeus) attached in urogenital area; 2) Ascodipteron longiascus sp. nov. from southern China, ex. Hipposideros armiger (Hodgson), attachment site unknown; and 3) Ascodipteron wenzeli sp. nov.from Vietnam and Malaysia, ex. Rhinolophus spp. attached in urogenital area. A neotype and lectotype are designated for Ascodipteron phyllorhinae Adensamer and Ascodipteron speiserianum Muir, respectively. A neotype is designated for Ascodipteron archboldi Maa and a lectotype for Ascodipteron emballonurae Banks; the former an objective synonym of A. phyllorhinae and the latter a junior synonym of A. phyllorhinae. A neotype is also designated for Ascodipteron australiansi Muir which is regarded as a junior synonym of A. speiserianum. Ascodipteron lophotes Monticelli, A. megastigmatos Jobling, A. siamense Speiser and A. tabulatum Speiser are considered nomina dubia. The genus Paraascodipteron is tentatively referred to the subfamilyBrachytarsininae. The distribution of Maabella stomalata Hastriter and Bush is extended from China and Vietnam to Borneo, Java, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippine Islands, and West Papua on numerous species of Hipposideros and Rhinolophus. A key to the recognized species of Ascodipterinae is provided. There are fifteen valid species of Ascodipteron.

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