
Developments in communication and information technologies have obliged corporations to be aware of the importance of their reputation in the virtual world as well as the real world. Corporations with a robust reputation are more attractive to investors and customers. At the same time, corporations having a robust corporate reputation manages crises more successfully. Reputation management is among the primary functions of public relations practices. One of the essential purposes of public relations practices is to manage the relations between corporations and their audiences, develop and maintain a strong reputation both in the real and virtual worlds. In this paper, the definitions of corporate reputation, online reputation, online reputation management concepts and the importance of these concepts in customer relations, communication and public relations are explained. This study aims to define the components that create, develop and maintain a robust reputation in the virtual world, examin the relationship between these components and explain their functions with concrete examples. Search engine optimization, social media activities and consumer-generated content constitute online reputation managements components. In order to embody the relations between these components, Turkey's two e-commerce websites were examined with the case study method.

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