
Historically, nursing care plans were administered in academic field to teach a process that nursing students can use it to identify and define a patient-centred problem. Nursing process has evolved to a five step process which includes assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation. But it has been observed that nurses are not following all the steps of nursing process because of one or other reasons like inadequate knowledge regarding nursing process, heavy workload, staff shortage, lots of paper work, poor quality of professional education, lack of motivation and unplanned early discharge. Nurses are not developing care plans on the basis of patient's needs, they are just providing care which has been prescribed by the doctors and not focusing on nursing care plan. Whereas, it is an essential document to maintain record. The impetus of this review is to improve the utilization of nursing care plan by making it less time consuming, less paper work and reduces the workload of nurses. So, nurses can change their attitude and start utilization of nursing care plan for providing better care to the patient. This concise nursing care plan (CNCP) includes all the steps of nursing care plan and reduces more writing work making it easy to follow.

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