
Ayurveda is a science that has been around for thousands of years and has proven to be beneficial to humans. Ayurveda is based on the tridosha theory. Vata, one of three doshas, plays an essential and major part in both healthy and unhealthy conditions, according to acharya sushruta dosha, dhatu and mala maintain our body. There are five types of vata- prana, udan, samana, vyan and apaan vayu. Among these five doshas samana vayu is situated near jatharagni and circulate all over the GIT tract. It helps in the division of essence and waste products, as well as the movement of the gastrointestinal tract, by stimulating the agni. In the body, jatharagni takes the form of pachak pitta, one of the pitta subtypes. Agnimandhya is responsible for all diseases, as we all know. The fire is fueled by samana vayu, who keeps it balanced. As a result, samana vayu might be regarded to play a specialized role in digestion. All of the samana vayu's functions can be compared to the physiological functions of the enteric nervous system and the sympathetic and parasympathetic supply of the Autonomic nervous system to the gastrointestinal tract. In this article, an attempt is made to correlate the physiological activity of samana vayu with the enteric nervous system. Keywords: Samana vayu, Prana vayu, Apan vayu, Sacral Segment.

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