
The woman who carries Garbha is referred to as a Garbhini, another word "Paricharya" comes from the root "Chara-gatau" and the prefix "Pari". The term “Garbhini Paricharya” resembles care provided to pregnant women in a required and appropriate manner. The Ayurvedic month-by-month Paricharya helps the foetus to grow and develop in a healthy way. Garbhini paricharya involves prenatal care which includes all conducts like Ahara and Vihara. The religious fasting, regular daily activity, specialized nutritional regimen and psychological activities, etc offers several health benefits to the mother as well as fetus. The medical care and psychological support from conception to completion of pregnancy gives birth of healthy baby and also restore health of mother. The basic elements of Garbhini Paricharya are Masanumasik Pathaya, Garbhopaghatakar Bhavas and Garbhasthapak Dravyas, etc. The Ahara, Yoga and medicine, etc. are planned in coordinated ways for improving health of mother as well as foetus.

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