
This paper consists of an exposition and study of the evolution of the scholarship of Martti Koskenniemi from his earlier From Apology to Utopia to his later calls for a culture of formalism. This brief study is inspired by an effort related to a broader project which seeks to discover the total aggregate of social and economic laws, which have and continue to (over)determine the conditions of the existence of much left-wing critical legal scholarship in the international law field. Related to this broader project this paper argues that while Koskenniemi’s call for a culture of formalism – understood as the Koskenniemi’s answer to the question: ‘what is the type of legal agency implied by the type of a critical narrative of our profession epitomized in the indeterminacy thesis expounded in From Apology to Utopia’ – does stay faithful to the argument of From Apology to Utopia, it is nevertheless limited – arguably co-opted – by the very system it originally set to critique. For the ‘ultimate question is not which particular content hegemonizes the empty [‘culture of formalism’, PK] (and thus, in the struggle for hegemony, excludes other particular contents); the ultimate question is: which specific content has to be excluded so that the very empty form of [the culture of formalism] emerges as the ‘battlefield’ for hegemony?’ As such, it is argued while Koskenniemi’s call for a culture of formalism - understood somewhat simplistically as the simultaneous commitment to the full mastery of the grammar of international legal argument accompanied with a sensitivity to the uses to which it is put; a synthesis of progressive coolness and passion – may succeed in caressing the international lawyer’s self-esteem, it nevertheless is ‘only by taking the viewpoint of legal fetishism is it possible to think that the legal form of a relationship changes or destroys its real and material essence.’

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