
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) require some assets, liabilities and equity instruments to be measured at fair value (IASB ED/2009/5). Thus begins the Fair Value Measurement IASB 2009 Exposure Draft. The IFRS requirement for fair value reporting has actually existed since 1975, due to the adoption of pronouncement IAS 2 (IASC/IAS 2 1975). This standard required that Inventory be valued at fair value less costs to sell for both reporting and disclosure purposes. But, as is the case in the history of many accounting standards and practice, the devil has always been in the details. This paper explores a brief historical path of fair value accounting within the venue of international accounting standards. Because of the impending plan of convergence and harmonization, plus potential global acceptance of standards of reporting and content, both the IASB and FASB have extensively explored the relevance and reliability of fair value reporting as compared with the more traditional costbased system. This exploration has been controversial because it goes to the very heart of the centuries-old cost-based foundation of financial accounting. In spite of the ongoing controversy of fair value versus historical cost accounting and the multiple uses and requirements of the fair value theoretical concept in IFRSs, there has been no definitive guidance on the various alternative calculations and appropriate uses of these differing representations of fair value. As the comment period closes on a second exposure draft directed at resolving Fair Value Measurement, this retrospective view of the international standards moves through the past standards and into the future methodology of reporting fair value. With FASBs latest exposure draft on fair value currently pending, the convergence opportunity of a more closely defined concept and its subsequent use in global practice is quite possibly at hand.

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