
Pelvic fractures occur in many traumas in cats and dogs. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the treatment (conservative and operative) and its results together in cats and dogs diagnosed with pelvic fracture. The study material consisted of 223 pelvic fractures (15 acetabulum, 40 ischi, 68 ilium, 38 pubis and 62 sacroiliac separation) detected in 27 dogs and 75 cats of different ages, breeds and genders between 2020-2022. Pelvic fracture was diagnosed with clinical and radiological examination. It was treated conservatively and operatively (using iliosacral screw, iliosacral pin, locking plate, cerclage, acetabular C plate). It was observed that cases with pelvic fractures were mostly caused by falling from a height in cats and traffic accidents in dogs. It was also observed that there could be a single fracture in the pelvis as well as multiple fractures. A total of 73 cases were operated. In 55 of the fractures, iliosacral screw, 1 iliosacral pin, 45 locked plate, 9 cerclage application, 10 acetabular C plate and 1 excision arthroplasty were applied. Conservative treatment was applied to 29 cases. No complications were observed in the controls performed in the operated patients. It was concluded that good results were obtained in stabilization with screws in cases of sacroiliac separation, and the use of locking plates in ilium fractures and the use of acetebular C plate in acetabulum fractures could lead to a more comfortable and comfortable postoperative period.

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