
Background: Infertility tends to be one of the emerging health concern withtoday’s world .It is a common condition affecting approx 8-9% ofreproductive age group. Infertility diagnosis is divided into etiologies ofovulatory dysfunction, tubal endometriosis, and uterine, unexplained andmale factors. Certain type of infertility such as severe male factors andcomplete tubal obstruction will require ART.Objective:To study obstetrical outcome in pregnancy conceived with assistedreproductive techniques .Materials and Methods: A Retrospective study was done and data wascollected of patients, who have conceived through assisted reproductivetechniques admitted and delivered at tertiary care hospital from January2017 to June 2017.Results: They were anaemia 25(24.27%) and 17(16.19%) in ART andspontaneous conception respectively (p- value<0.147), hypothyroid40(38.83%) and 14(13.33%) in ART and spontaneous conception respectively(p- value<0.0001, highly significant), chronic hypertension 27(26.21%) and4(3.81%) in ART and spontaneous conception respectively (p- value<0.0001,highly significant), DM Type-2 10(9.71%) and 0(0.00%) in ART andspontaneous conception respectively (p- value<0.280, not significant). Studyalso showed that various obstetrical complications common in ART group.They were preterm birth, PIH, Polyhydramnios, Placenta previa, APH,Oligohydromnios, PPROM, GDM, Multiple pregnancies.Conclusion: There was a significant association between obstetricalcomplications with age. Maternal pre-existing disease like anaemia, chronichypertension, hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus should be treated beforeconception, to improve maternal and perinatal outcome.Keywords: Assisted reproductive technology, SpontaneousConception,Pregnancy.

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