
Previous research has consistently demonstrated that both transgender and cisgender androphilic males (i.e., males attracted to adult males) display and recall higher levels of childhood female-typical behavior (CFTB) and lower levels of childhood male-typical behavior (CMTB) compared to gynephilic males (i.e., males attracted to adult females). In adulthood, the recalled CFTB and CMTB scores of cisgender androphilic males tend to be intermediate to those of opposite-sex-attracted men and women, whereas transgender androphilic males tend to score similar to women. These studies have been mostly conducted in Euro-American cultures. We examined recalled childhood sex-typed behavior (CSTB) among the Istmo Zapotec-a pre-Colombian culture in the Istmo region of Oaxaca, Mexico, where cisgender and transgender androphilic males are recognized as a third gender, known locally as muxes. The present study sought to determine whether Istmo Zapotec men (n = 180), cisgender muxe nguiiu (n = 63), transgender muxe gunaa (n = 120), and women (n = 138) differ with respect to recalled CFTB and CMTB. Our results indicate that men recalled significantly less CFTB and more CMTB than women. Cisgender muxes scored in between men and women. Transgender muxes scored similar to women. These findings provide further evidence that childhood sex-atypical behavior is a cross-culturally universal and normative developmental aspect of male androphilia, regardless of whether it manifests in the cisgender or transgender form. This is the first study to present quantitative data comparing the recalled CSTB of cisgender and transgender androphilic males from within the same non-Euro-American culture.

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