
Social media is a rich source of infotainment for most of the people in the current scenario for huge chunk of literate people. Social serves as a vent and a platform for these people to elicit their thoughts, ideas, feelings and creativity. But too much of anything will have a negative impact and it might hamper your productivity, especially in the case of college students in Chennai you can hardly find a person who doesn’t have an account in any of the social media like Facebook, Whatsapp, sharechat, Instagram etc. If you observe generally most of the college goers immerse themselves more on these social media and they become maniac over it in such away that for every 30 minutes on an average they would like to have a glimpse on the updates popping up on social media. Apart from college timings these social media swallows most of the student’s productive time. This study reveals how the social media impacts the value time and distracts the students from their primary goal and how it creates havoc in their personal life.

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