
This research aims to provide information about changes that may occur on the strategies declared to solve oral production problems by future teachers of English as a foreign language in Primary Education according to Nakatani's Inventory of Oral Communication Strategies (2006). The participants are students of English Teaching, these belong to the University of Granada (UGR), the University of Malaga (UMA) and the María Inmaculada de Antequera (Málaga) Associated Teaching Center (CAMMIA). The data was taken in two stages or moments, at the beginning of the Mention of English and at the end of it. In this research, a descriptive study is carried out for the initial phase, since the number of volunteer participants was greater than in the final sample. For the final sample, the results were statistically analyzed and compared. Only in strategies number 3 and 5 some significant changes take place. There have also been changes in the other types of strategies, although no significant changes have been obtained. It could be concluded that perhaps a specific instruction during the Mention would have contributed to the greater differences between the use of this type of strategies between the moment the Mention began and the moment it ended.

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