
Abstract Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death in Negara Brunei Darussalam (83.8/100000 of the population in 2005). One of the key missions of Panaga Health Centre (PHC) is the "Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle" among the employees of Brunei Shell Petroleum Company (BSP). The overall aim is to encourage our employees’ participation in the regular cardiovascular screening programme and health promotion activities, thus leading to a modification of health behaviours and thereby reducing the health risks and consequently, adverse health outcomes of the employees. A 3-year screening program was instituted in June 2003 and by September 2005, PHC adapted the Cardiovascular Risk Matrix System as used by the New Zealand Medical Council as a screening tool to predict the risk of a cardiovascular event to an individual. Measurements and risk factors taken into consideration are age, gender, ethnicity, smoking history, fasting lipid profile, fasting plasma glucose (diabetes status), blood pressure, waist circumference, body mass index and total/HDL cholesterol ratio. The screening matrix provides a simple quantitative method for assessing a person's risk of developing cardiovascular disease and provides a basis for measurement of improvement after appropriate interventional programmes such as treatments to reduce blood pressure or cholesterol levels, either through lifestyle modifications or with drugs. Early treatment and education of the patient will reduce the morbidity and mortality risk to an individual, which will ultimately lead to a healthier and more productive workforce. To date, a database of over 1,000 records has been collected, representing about a third of the working population of the Company. From these data, we are able to compile information such as the prevalence of overweight / obesity (based on the normal Asian BMI of 23 kg/m²) and metabolic syndrome. In a longer term, these parameters will enable us to gauge the success of our healthy lifestyle initiatives and allow us to plan and execute targeted programmes such as weight management programmes for employees. Other intervention programmes offered by BSP include Smoking Cessation, Weight Management Programs and Stress Awareness / Management Workshops. This report summarises the healthy lifestyle initiative at Brunei Shell Petroleum Company. Healthy Lifestyle initiatives have now been accepted Company-wide and most of the departments include health promotion activities as part of their HS&E initiatives, with an annual budget allocated for these activities.

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