
Recent developements in analytical photogrammetry seem to be remarkable, especially with the expansion in the ield o its application, and also the demand or higheraccuracies in photogrammetric surveying is growing day by day, throwing beore us many interesting problems.Due to the recent developments in analytical photogrammetry, we have become convinced that these problems can be solved. Having been engaged in analytical photogrammetry during the past six years, we recently examined the inluence of the lens distortion on accuracies, and we ound that it was unexpectedly large. In this paper, we will discuss the problems which we had to deal with and the particular applications o the results.First o all, the method o analysis and the corrections or symmetric and asymmetric radial lens distortions will be shown and secondly we will make observations rom various standpoints on the phenomena which appeared in the actual examples when applied the lens distortion correction i. e. the inluence on a single model, on a strip and on the relation between the bending coeicient o a strip and the variations o orientation elements caused by the lens distortions.

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