
Preface The Edmonton Study Group on Gas Flow Measurement was formed in February,1961, by the CIM-AIME Petroleum Engineering Section, Edmonton, to study gasmeasurement problems encountered during oil and gas production in Alberta. Thisstudy was specifically concerned with problems related to oil and gasproduction, and these problems are seldom experienced in gas plant and gasutility operations. A number of groups had been considering various solutions to the problem ofgas measurement in automated oil and gas production facilities. In most caseseach group was considering a different solution so it was felt that aco-ordinating body, such as this study group, could do much to clarify theproblems associated with the project and provide a forum for the exchange ofopinions, ideas and field results. At the inaugural meeting of the group, sixteen organizations concerned withgas measurement were represented. These included fourteen companies engaged inoil and gas production, gas transmission and gas utility operation. Theproducing companies, represented in the group, produce in the order of 50% ofall the oil in Western Canada. In addition, the University of Alberta and the Oil and Gas Conservation Board felt the project of sufficient value toparticipate. Mr. N. A. Cleland of Hudson's Bay Oil and Gas was appointedchairman at the group. The objectives of the group were:To review all methods of gas flow measurement suitable for use in theoil and gas industry.To evaluate the instruments employing these methods.To determine who has tested and/or accepted these instruments.To determine the accuracy and dependability of these instruments underspecified conditions.To determine the relative economics of the use of these instruments.To draw up a list of criteria which could be used for determining thesuitability of methods and instruments tor gas flow measurement.

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