
Microvasculature in cat mesentery is organized into repeating modules forming a complete mosaic over most of the free membrane. Characteristics of the module are: (1) an area of membrane circumscribed by a small artery (av. 28 μ) and small vein (av. 40 μ) with complete arterial and venous continuity, (2) all subordinate orders of branching comprise interior vessels of the unit. Area enclosed by the unit varies over a range from 0.9–10.5 mm 2. Density of exchange vessels in the unit is directly related to the quantity of fat in the membrane. The density per unit area of lean membrane appears relatively constant regardless of total unit area. Since all components of the microbed are enclosed by the boundary vessels the module represents a repeating structure of a nutritional microcirculation which may assist development of structural-functional correlations.

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