
Summary. Amorphophallus longiconnectivus Bogner is described and its taxonomic and phylogenetic significance discussed. The species described below as Amorphophallus longiconnectivus Bogner is known only from a single specimen collected in 1910 in central India and deposited at the Kew herbarium. The specimen had been identified as Plesmonium margaritifer (Roxb.) Schott (= Amorphophallus margaritifer (Roxb.) Kunth). It lacks both leaf and tuber and consists only of a single inflorescence. Despite this, it seems clear that A. longiconnectivus is very distinct and interesting as regards the taxonomy and phylogeny of the genus Amorphophallus. Amorphophallus longiconnectivus Bogner, sp. nov., sect. Rhaphiophallo affinis interstitio nudo zonam femineam mascula discedenti sed organis neutris deficiens, Pseudodracontio affinis supra zonam masculam interstitio nudo appendicem staminodiis irregularibus praeditam ferenti, Amorphophallo margaritifer affinis staminis connectivo prominenti conoideo, aliis speciebus omnino divergens regione apicali zonae masculae sterili filamentis plerumque thecas deficientibus tecta. Typus: India, Central Provinces, Piparia, June 1910, H. Haines 3590 (holotypus K!). Tuber unknown. Peduncle 46 cm long, 0 -6 cm thick basally, 0- 4 cm apically, without markings. Spathe 10 - 5 cm long, with 1 cm long tip, externally pale, internally mostly pale with the basal part purple and verruculose. Spadix 10 cm long, stipe c. 1 cm long, 0-6 cm thick; female zone c. 2 cm long, 1 cm thick; naked sterile zone between male and female zones 0 - 6 cm long, c. 0 -35 cm thick, shrivelled and longitudinally ridged (from drying?); male zone 5-5 cm long, 0-6 cm thick basally, 0 - 4 cm thick apically, apical 1 - 2 cm mostly sterile, composed of filaments lacking thecae, but with some scattered fertile stamens; appendix with basal naked zone 0 -25-0 -3 cm long, 0 - 11-0- 14 cm thick, apical zone only 0 - 5 cm long, 0 - 35 cm thick, composed of two rows of irregularly formed staminodes. Flowers naked. Male flowers 1-androus, stamen 1- 11 - 1 4 mm long, filament short, flat, thecae lateral, subsessile, ellipsoid, 0 7-0-9 mm long, opening by apical pore, connective apex prominent, conical, 0 - 3-0 - 35 mm long. Pollen grains nearly globose (to slightly ellipsoid), inaperturate, c. 40 ,[m in diameter, exine smooth. Gynoecia bottle-shaped, 3-3-5 mm long, ovary c. 1 -5 mm diam., 2-locular, style tapering, c. 1 mm long, stigma bilobed, c. 1 mm diam., papillose, dark-coloured (purple?). Fig. 1.

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