
Sensor-cloud infrastructure provides a storage platform for the massive sensed data, that is flexible and re-configurable, for various application areas which are monitored through the resource-limited networks such as wireless sensor networks (WSNs), ad hoc networks, and Internet of things (IoT). Due to their overwhelming characteristics, these networks are used in different application areas to assist human beings in their daily-life activities. However, these networks have different challenging issues such as reliability in communication and processing, storage of the massive data, efficient utilization of on-board battery, maximum lifetime achievement, minimum possible average packet loss ratio, and reliable routing mechanisms. Although various communication and load balancing mechanisms have been proposed in the literature to resolve this issue, however, these schemes are either application specific or overlay complex. In this paper, a reliable communication and load balancing scheme for the resource-limited networks is presented to resolve these issues, particularly with available resources. To achieve these goals, the proposed scheme bounds every sensing device $C_{i}$ to compute the transmission capabilities of its neighboring devices that is residual energy $E_{r}$ , hop count $H_{c}$ , round trip time ( $RTT_{i}$ ), and processing cost. Initially, to guarantee reliable wireless communication, a source device prefers a neighboring device $C_{i}$ with minimum $H_{c}$ value over those having maximum $H_{c}$ values. Moreover, this scheme bounds every device $C_{i}$ to find four shortest & reliable paths and forward maximum packets on two of these paths preferably on the most reliable and optimal route. Therefore, unlike the traditional shortest path scheme, devices $C_{i}$ reside on these paths do not deplete their on-board battery more rapidly than others. To further improve the reliability of the proposed scheme, the assigned weight-age factors are fine-tuned if one or two of the neighboring devices $C_{i}$ consume 80% of their on-board battery, that is now maximum weight-age is assigned to the residual energy $E_{r}$ and minimum to $H_{c}$ value respectively. Simulation results show the exceptional performance of the proposed reliable communication and load balancing scheme against the field-proven schemes in terms of average packet delivery ratio, average throughput, end-to-end delay, and overall network lifetime.


  • Sensor-Cloud infrastructure was proposed to manage various devices, i.e., sensor nodes and actuators, The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Md

  • The sensor-cloud infrastructure was formed through the integration of resource-limited networks with cloud computing mechanisms to enhance the operational capacities of these networks in various application areas [1]

  • PROPOSED APPROACH: A RELIABLE COMMUNICATION AND LOAD BALANCING MECHANISM a detailed description and working methodology of the proposed scheme are presented to resolve the majority of the issues associated with the resource-limited networks those which are described in the introduction section such as end-to-end delay, average packet delivery ratio, lifetime, and throughput

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Sensor-Cloud infrastructure was proposed to manage various devices, i.e., sensor nodes and actuators, The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Md. Lifetime is still a challenging and open research problem as many to one (m:1) communication infrastructure is adopted in the resource-limited networks where sensor nodes or devices Ci reside in the vicinity of the base station consume their power more rapidly than other nodes and result in energy hole [9], [10] To resolve these issues, various routing and load balancing schemes have been present in literature. An efficient and reliable load balancing scheme, that is designed for the resource-limited networks and is useful in scenarios where direct communication with the receiver(s) is not possible, is a challenging task which has attracted researcher both from academia and industry To resolve this issue, various load balancing or traffic distribution strategies were presented in the literature. The research work presented in this paper is needed to be focused on the development of a reliable communication & load balancing infrastructure that will resolve the aforementioned issues with available resources and without changing the existing technological infrastructure(s)

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