The current research on the reliability of metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) mostly focuses on its failure mechanisms and failure modes. There is less research based on the characteristic parameters of MOSFET's degradation to predict its reliability and remaining useful life (RUL). Further, relevant test equipment is not mature. Therefore, it is very meaningful to design an experimental platform to provide the degradation data for MOSFET's reliability assessment. Based on the above, this paper introduces an experimental system for MOSFET to do the accelerated degradation test (ADT) and parametric test. Firstly, by the failure analysis, this paper selects the offline and online characteristic parameters, such as threshold voltage and on-resistance, to describe the main failure modes. Secondly, a degradation and parametric measurement system for MOSFET is proposed. It can achieve the degradation experiment of multi-MOSFETs and real-time supervision of the characteristic parameters. Lastly, the Wiener process is used to predict their reliability using the data measured by the system. The system's results are compared with Agilent B1505A Power Device Analyzer to verify the accuracy of the measurement. The case study shows that the designed system can predict degradation and reliability of the MOSFET.
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